How iHarmoni Works
Sophisticated technology and great design make iHarmoni simple to use. Set up your loan auction, review lender bids, and proceed to a loan settlement all on your own quickly and easily.
If you need help, iHarmoni's loan auction advisors are standing by.
Set Up Your Auction
Loan Profile Screen
All information is available from the start of the auction so there are no delays or unnecessary questions.
We'll create your loan presentation and make it available online at a secure private portal.
Integrated messaging enables direct communication between lenders and borrowers.
Watch Lenders Compete
Loan Auction Dashboard
Your iHarmoni Personal Auction advisor is always available to guide you through the process.
Compare and contrast multiple bids quickly and easily.
Every lender is able to compete and bid for your loan with their best terms.
Select a Winner
Winning Circle Screen
The winning lender name and terms are displayed for confirmation.
Days to funding and any lender costs are clear so everyone is coordinated.
Electronically sign term sheets within your secure portal. Everything is integrated seamlessly together.