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Let the
banks compete
for your
home loan
Bank Jerusalem
Egood Bank
Discount Bank
Bank Jerusalem
Leumi Bank
Mercantile Bank
Leumi Bank
Mizrachi Tefachot
Hapoalim Bank
Mizrachi Tefachot
Get the best loan terms with a real-time auction where banks bid for your home loan. Set up a HARMONI auction in less than 5 minutes.
Setting up your HARMONI auction is free and your personal information is always secure.
How we're changing
the game
You're in control
Rest easy and save time,money, and hassle. A HARMONI loan auction puts you in control of your loan.
You choose
You can review and choose amongst several offers or decide not to accept any offers.
You win
There's no pressure. Maximum competition and transparency.
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Some of our recently completed auctions
2,125,000 3.65% 25 Year Jerusalem
1,756,000 3.58% 10 Year Haifa
3,850,000 3.35% 10 Year Netanya
2,350,000 4.15% 20 Year Beer Sheva
3,425,000 4.35% 20 Year Bat Yam
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